The Day-ahead Joint Steering Committee has today initiated an in-depth investigation of the incident on the 7th of June

  • Since its launch in February 2014, more than 5 years ago, the Day-Ahead Multi Regional Coupling (MRC) has been operating successfully.
  • On 7 June an issue occurred which prevented the EPEX CWE and EPEX GB order books from being sent to the common coupling system.
  • The incident was caused by an internal IT issue at EPEX and was not caused by the common market coupling algorithm.
  • The issue could not be fixed in time and at 12:50 CET the market was informed about the partial decoupling of EPEX CWE, EPEX GB and consequently, following procedures and due to the geographical position of Iberia, of OMIE.   
  • This triggered the execution of the agreed fallback procedures.
  • Common coupling system and procedures worked as expected, ensuring the coupling of the remaining part of MRC.
  • The Joint Steering Committee has today initiated an in-depth investigation of the incident to identify lessons learned to mitigate the risk of similar incidents in the future. 

For convenience the official announcement could be found also on the newly launched NEMO Committee web site: