Тhe weighted average price for 2019 for Day ahead market is 95.13 BGN/MWh

Through the requirements of Ordinance № “Е-РД-04-06” of 28 September 2016, the support terms and conditions for decreasing the expenses caused by the obligation for redemption of the electricity produced by Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are defined.
According to point 4, regarding point 3 “Б“ regarding point 2 from Annex 3 to Article 3, paragraph 2, point 2 to the Ordinance  № “Е-РД-04-06” of 28 September 2016 for decreasing the expenses caused by RES energy the enterprise electricity intensity is calculated as the enterprise energy expenses are divided to the enterprise gross value added (GVA).
Based on the above, the power exchange operator announces that the weighted average price for 2019 is 95,13  BGN/MWh.