Dear trading participants,
Pursuant to art. 166, par. 2 of the Power Exchange Operational Rules /PEOR, amended and supplemented in SG, 4 of 15.01.2021/, the power exchange operator may temporarily suspend the operation of any of the trading screens part of Bilateral contracts market segment following a decision of the Customer Advisory Board to IBEX EAD. On these grounds and after a session of the Customer Advisory Board held on 20.01.2021 where a decision was taken to temporarily suspend the operation of Continuous trading screen, part of Bilateral contracts market segment, the Operator hereby provides the following information:
Pursuant to art. 166, par. 2 of PEOR and with regard to a decision of the Customer Advisory Board dated 20.01.2021, the operation of Continuous trading screen, part of Bilateral contracts market segment, shall be suspended for a period of 5 /five/ months from 25.01.2021 to 25.06.2021, included, the grounds for suspension being insufficient liquidity of the screen and in an attempt to terminate non-market practices on the screen as a result of the low liquidity. Pursuant to art. 166, par. 2 PEOR, the operation of the screen will be restored on the first working day following expiry of the period of the suspension, i.e. 28.06.2021, Monday.