Daylight saving time 28 March – member test information

In preparation for the upcoming clock change on Sunday 28th March 2021, IBEX will be offering a test simulation of their auction platform in the member test environment on Thursday 18th March 2021.

The transition from winter to summertime takes place with the clocks going forward one hour at 02:00 CET on Sunday 28th March. Therefore Sunday 28th March will have 23 hours. We encourage customers to use this test to actively place orders and check the results to ensure they are familiar with the process.

Auction platform test
On Thursday 18th March, IBEX will run the day-ahead auction with delivery day 28th March. The test environment is open for bids from today until gate closure time (see below). Please choose delivery date 28th March in the platform and deliver your bids as usual. If you deliver bids via Excel sheets, please remember to download the template for 28th March.

Test times 18th March:
14:00 CET            Gate closure time
15:30 CET            Publication of results

CASS results will be available in the member test environment the following day.

Test sites and log in
Test site Day Ahead:

Test site Clearing and Settlement:

Username and password for member test is required for these systems. If you do not have a test account, please contact  to set one up.

Intraday platform test

There will be no DST member test for Intraday.
For any questions or further support, please email