Following the go-live of Multi-NEMO Arrangements (MNA), enabling several NEMOs to be active in one Member State, National Regulatory Authorities and market participants have requested the NEMOs to jointly publish aggregated orders after the day-ahead results.
All NEMOs are pleased to announce that, as of 14 October, market participants will have access to all NEMO aggregated bid curves for the Single Day-ahead Coupling auction, also in multi NEMO areas. This new feature provides enhanced transparency on day-ahead prices across Europe while ensuring the confidentiality of individual market participant’s data. The aggregated and anonymised market data will be made available on the individual NEMOs‘ respective websites.
“The publication of all-NEMO aggregated curves is critical to delivering transparent price signals and to the well-functioning of coupled markets. All-NEMOs strive to address market participants’ needs in the best possible way and we are already assessing whether the new solution may be upgraded to include further requirements” says Rafael Gómez-Elvira González, Chairman of the All NEMO Committee.
About All NEMO Committee:
The All NEMO Committee facilitates the cooperation among NEMOs for all common European tasks necessary for the efficient and secure design, implementation and operation of single day-ahead and intraday coupling. The All NEMO Committee is formed by the appointed representatives of each NEMO.
For additional information about All NEMO Committee go to: