SDAC parties regret to inform market participants that the go-live of the Core Flow Based market coupling (FB MC), currently planned for end of February 2022, will be postponed.
External dependencies delayed the timely start of the first phase of Core Joint Integration Testing. In addition, technical issues encountered during the first weeks of the Joint Integration Testing, require extending the testing phase to ensure robustness of the systems. Fixes are being prepared to commence the required re-testing. Core project parties are working hard to minimise the delay. Due to high complexity of the systems and necessary alignment with external parties, current expectation is that the go-live would take place between beginning of Q2 2022 at the earliest and before the end of Q2 2022 at the latest.
Given these circumstances, Core project parties prepared an updated test planning and Core FB MC roadmap optimising the testing schedule to reduce the postponement of go live of Core FB MC as much as possible.
The new go live date highly depends on the further progress of the test planning and alignment with external parties in order to go live with reliable and robust systems. Core project parties will inform all stakeholders on the new go live date as soon as this is aligned and confirmed by all involved parties. The Core Consultative Group will be informed in more detail on the update on 29th November. Nevertheless, the Core Joint project parties can confirm already that the external parallel run as performed today will be continued.
About SDAC
SDAC allocates scarce cross-border transmission capacity in the most efficient way by coupling wholesale electricity markets from different regions through a common algorithm, simultaneously taking into account cross-border transmission constraints, thereby maximising social welfare.
The aim of SDAC is to create a single pan European cross zonal day-ahead electricity market. An integrated dayahead market increases the overall efficiency of trading by promoting effective competition, increasing liquidity and enabling a more efficient utilisation of generation resources across Europe.
For additional information on SDAC go to:
About the Day-Ahead Flow-Based Market Coupling project in the Core CCR
The Core Flow-Based Market Coupling (Core FB MC) project promotes the development and implementation of a flow-based day-ahead market coupling across the whole Core capacity calculation region (Core CCR) in the framework of the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC). The Core CCR consists of the bidding zone borders between the following EU Member States’ bidding zones: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Communication channels:
Questions in relation to the Core FB MC project in general and (publication) of the Core Flow inputs and market coupling simulation results can be raised on the Q&A forum:
Market participants that would like to follow closer the project development are invited to join the Core Consultative Group (CCG) by sending an email to The participants of the Core Consultative Group will receive regular information, and invitations to teleconferences and meetings.