Market participants to disclose inside information to the public through IBEX as IIP

IBEX has completed 1st phase of the assessment of the Inside Information Platform  (IIP) for the electricity market

Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange has completed 1st phase of the Inside Information Platform (IIP) assessment process for the electricity market. The platform meets the requirements of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) for effective disclosure of Urgent Market Messages (UMMs). This allows market participants on the electricity market to comply with their obligations pursuant to article 4 of Regulation (EU) No. 1227/2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT).

Since the beginning of 2023 inside information shall be disclosed exclusively via platforms that are certified by ACER and meet the minimum requirements for quality and effective disclosure.

The Inside Information Platform of IBEX is already available to the users that have obligations pursuant to the Regulation at the following link:

The urgent market messages published by participants are available to the wide public here:

The disclosure of inside information via the platform of IBEX facilitated by easy and equal access of all users of this information will contribute to achieving and maintaining transparency on the wholesale electricity market.


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