The All NEMO Committee celebrated its second Annual Conference in Athens on 19th September 2024, with more than 100 participants

The All NEMO Committee celebrated its second Annual Conference in Athens which has proven to be a much needed high- level think-tank to address the challenges and prospects of the European internal electricity market and the extensions beyond the EU.

It was a timely debate to discuss not only the next necessary steps in light of the measures introduced by the European Electricity Market Design (EMD) Reform that entered into force in July 2024, but also on what to expect from the forthcoming CACM 2.0.

The Chairman of the All NEMO Committee, Rafael Gómez-Elvira González, addressed the audience and highlighted that “…NEMOs are one of the pillars of EMD reform which has acknowledged the benefits that the current Single Day-ahead & Intraday Couplings (SDAC & SIDC) have brought for all Europeans …”

In the much-awaited policy session it was highlighted that the EMD reform did not bring a fundamental change in the short-term wholesale market, as the European Commission, together with the Council and the Parliament, decided to maintain the key building blocks of the EU Internal Electricity market.  It is time to think of the new challenges and acknowledge that if the spot market was left untouched, this is a tribute to the current market organization, said Jérôme Le Page, Chair of the Electricity Committee at Energy Traders Europe. 

This year´s conference was of special interest due to the new addition of the CEOs panel in which key strategic insights were shared and it gave the audience a glimpse into the strong cooperation and commitment of the NEMO community to implement EU regulations. In this context, the upcoming CACM review should preserve the joint management of the integrated day-ahead and intraday markets by NEMOs in a coordinated manner, based on multilateral and decentralized cooperation.

There was also a dedicated slot to present the CACM Annual Report 2023, where the NEMO experts introduced the SDAC and SIDC chapters reviewing the high-level market data and giving insights into the Operation and the Monitoring Report as well as into the Scalability Report and the R&D Report.

Finally, an Energy Community session was held aiming to facilitate the understanding, status and complexity of the future integration of the EnC parties into SDAC and SIDC.

The NEMO Committee would like to thank all the speakers and moderators for contributing to a fruitful discussion that will surely shape the next steps towards improving the already well-functioning European electricity market.