15-Minute Products Set to Go-Live in June 2025 in the European Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC)

SDAC Parties Confirm Updated Go-Live Plan

The transition to the 15-minute Market Time Unit (MTU) in the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) marks a significant milestone in the evolution of Europe’s energy markets. Following a reassessment of the implementation plan by NEMOs and TSOs, the new go-live date for the 15-minute MTU implementation is set for 11 June 2025 with delivery date of 12 June 2025. To secure the continuity of the day ahead coupling, and taking into consideration market participants’ suggestions, NEMOs and TSOs have agreed to follow the go-live with a short rollback period of one week.

This implementation is designed to enhance the precision of market operations, enabling better integration of renewable energy sources, and promoting increased market efficiency and flexibility. By improving adaptability to fluctuations in energy generation and consumption, the new system will allow for more accurate pricing and scheduling, ultimately benefiting market participants.

To facilitate a seamless transition to this important change, rigorous testing is currently being performed. We are confident that comprehensive coupled testing sessions with market participants will proceed as planned in early April 2025. For information related to local testing, please check with relevant NEMOs and TSOs.

Further information on the overall plan will be available to market participants in the “Information Notes” section on the respective SDAC webpages, on both ENTSO-E and NEMO Committee sites.

About SDAC

SDAC allocates scarce cross-border transmission capacity in the most efficient way by coupling wholesale electricity markets from different regions through a common algorithm, simultaneously taking into account cross-border transmission constraints, thereby maximizing social welfare.

The aim of SDAC is to create a single pan European cross zonal day-ahead electricity market. An integrated day-ahead market increases the overall efficiency of trading by promoting effective competition, increasing liquidity, and enabling a more efficient utilization of generation resources across Europe.

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