Second Auction decommissioned in SDAC as of 29 January 2025 (trading day)

For the Baltic region the change will apply from the implementation of 15-min. MTU in SDAC

In early 2024 the Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) cooperating within the Single day-ahead coupling (SDAC) conducted a Public Consultation related to the potential removal of the Second Auctions.

As a result of the consultation and following the relevant National Regulatory Authorities approvals, the Second Auctions are no longer applied for the following countries as of 29 January 2025 (trading day): Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. Second Auctions will be removed in the Baltic region from the implementation of 15-min. MTU in SDAC.

The change aims to optimize the market coupling process in preparation for the launch of the 15-minute SDAC products, which is planned for 11 June 2025. By removing the second auctions in a coordinated manner, the whole SDAC process benefits from more contingency in the daily operational process, thus preserving its operational reliability and reducing operational risks, including that of decoupling.

In order to prevent erroneous bids and to manage them, existing mechanisms will still be used such as safety mechanisms in NEMOs local trading systems, back-up procedures and second calculation. All NEMOs remain committed to continuously improving the procedures to preserve market efficiency and robustness.

About All NEMO Committee: 

The All NEMO Committee facilitates the cooperation among NEMOs for all common European tasks necessary for the efficient and secure design, implementation and operation of single day-ahead and intraday coupling. The All NEMO Committee is formed by the appointed representatives of each NEMO. 

For additional information about All NEMO Committee go to: