
Products of various delivery periods depending on the segment on which they are offered are traded on the power exchange market for electricity. The power exchange market operator administrates two market segments on which short-term products are traded- with delivery period of one hour (Intraday and Day-ahead) and one market segment where long-term products are traded- delivery period from one day to one year (Bilateral contracts). All products traded are standardized and are listed in the  Instruction №6 Products Traded Specification.

The Intraday market segment, Continuous trading mechanism, offers products with a delivery period of 15 and 60 minutes as well as block products, the delivery of which comprises two or more consecutive 60-minute intervals. The segment operates 365/366 days a year via the continuous trading mechanism. The minimum price is  -9999 €/MWh, and the maximum one is 9999 €/MWh. The Intraday market segment has been operating in the conditions of a market coupling (Single Intraday Coupling) since 19th November 2019.

The Intraday market segment, Intraday auctions mechanism, offers products with 15-minute delivery period as well as block products, the delivery of which comprises two or more consecutive 15-minute intervals. The minimum price is -9999 €/MWh and the maximum one is 9999 €/MWh.

The Day-ahead market segment offers products with a delivery period of 60 minutes, as well as block products, the delivery of which comprises one or more intervals. The segment operates 365/366 days a year via daily auction sessions. All periods for holding the auction sessions as well as the publication of results related to trading on the segment are in accordance with the requirements of the Single Day-ahead Coupling.  The minimum price is -500 €/MWh and the maximum one is 4000 €/MWh.

Bilateral contracts market segment offers long-term standardized products with a delivery period from one week up to one year inclusive. The load profiles that market participants can trade are baseload (24 hours), peak (8 hours), peak (12 hours), peak (16 hours) and off-peak (12 hours). Trading is performed via the Auctions screens where the transactions are concluded via auction sessions initiated in accordance with Instruction № 2 Auction initiation.