IBEX successfully started the Intraday electricity market


Sofia, April 11, 2018 – The Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) EAD, 100% owned by BSE-Sofia AD successfully started the Intraday market segment in Bulgaria. That became fact today at 15:00 local time (14:00 CET).  All 20 registered market members can now submit  purchase/sale orders with delivery date after 00:00 CET on April 12, 2018. The new IBEX system maintains 24-hour trading and orders can be placed up to 60 minutes before the delivery begins. The minimum amount of electricity that can be traded is 100 KWh, and the price step is 10 eurocent.

„All the energy producers, including the RES ones, energy traders and consumers will benefit a lot from this market segment, since the trading possibility are approaching as much as possible to the delivery time. This will substantially reduce the balancing costs of the market participants, due to portfolio optimization“, the IBEX CEO, Mr. Konstantinov commented.

This event fills the last gap in the market portfolio of IBEX. This way IBEX will ensure that the market participants have more opportunities to trade and will further enable the upcoming full liberalization of the electricity market and also provide possibilities for market integration into the single European intraday electricity market, which is aimed at removing the barriers for cross-border electricity trading.