Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange EAD (IBEX) has been designated by the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) as Nominated electricity market operator (NEMO) for a further four years. The EWRC decision taken in the second half of January 2020 follows the request of IBEX submitted in December 2019.
In accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management (CACM) the Nominated electricity market operator shall be appointed to perform the single day-ahead and/or single intraday coupling.
The first EWRC decision on IBEX designation as NEMO for four-years period was taken on January 27th, 2016.
Brisket hamburger fatback burgdoggen short ribs. Pig flank t-bone swine filet mignon sausage buffalo. Pork doner cupim jerky ground round meatball landjaeger pancetta biltong picanha. Shank short ribs brisaket pork loin. Corned beef turducken boudin, frankfurter picanha fatback burgdoggen chislic alcatra shoulder filet mignon cupim bresaola pork loin. Shank pork chop chuck ground round, tri-tip meatloaf burgdoggen. Jowl short loin venison sirloin prosciutto, pork chop biltong hamburger picanha swine ham hock pig sausage. Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange EAD (IBEX) has been designated by the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) as Nominated electricity market operator (NEMO) for a further four years. The EWRC decision taken in the second half of January 2020 follows the request of IBEX submitted in December 2019.
In accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management (CACM) the Nominated electricity market operator shall be appointed to perform the single day-ahead and/or single intraday coupling.
The first EWRC decision on IBEX designation as NEMO for four-years period was taken on January 27th, 2016.
Brisket hamburger fatback burgdoggen short ribs. Pig flank t-bone swine filet mignon sausage buffalo. Pork doner cupim jerky ground round meatball landjaeger pancetta biltong picanha. Shank short ribs brisaket pork loin. Corned beef turducken boudin, frankfurter picanha fatback burgdoggen chislic alcatra shoulder filet mignon cupim bresaola pork loin. Shank pork chop chuck ground round, tri-tip meatloaf burgdoggen. Jowl short loin venison sirloin prosciutto, pork chop biltong hamburger picanha swine ham hock pig sausage. Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange EAD (IBEX) has been designated by the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) as Nominated electricity market operator (NEMO) for a further four years. The EWRC decision taken in the second half of January 2020 follows the request of IBEX submitted in December 2019.
In accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management (CACM) the Nominated electricity market operator shall be appointed to perform the single day-ahead and/or single intraday coupling.
The first EWRC decision on IBEX designation as NEMO for four-years period was taken on January 27th, 2016.
Brisket hamburger fatback burgdoggen short ribs. Pig flank t-bone swine filet mignon sausage buffalo. Pork doner cupim jerky ground round meatball landjaeger pancetta biltong picanha. Shank short ribs brisaket pork loin. Corned beef turducken boudin, frankfurter picanha fatback burgdoggen chislic alcatra shoulder filet mignon cupim bresaola pork loin. Shank pork chop chuck ground round, tri-tip meatloaf burgdoggen. Jowl short loin venison sirloin prosciutto, pork chop biltong hamburger picanha swine ham hock pig sausage.